Home Sex Toys Essentials Sex Toy Care Products Mister B Talc Powder 150 g

Mister B Talc Powder 150 g

Talcum powder for rubber and latex clothes

Code:  130628

Special powder for easy dressing and protection of rubber and latex clothing. Packaging for easy application. Content 150 g. Detailed description

11.90 €
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Mister B Talc Powder 150 g
Mister B

Mister B Talc Powder 150 g

Talcum powder for rubber and latex clothes

11.90 €
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Mister B TALC is a specially designed talcum powder to preserve your rubber and latex clothes. After you clean your clothing make sure it’s dry then spray a little powder in the inside. Shake with clothes a little so you distribute the powder. Make sure you store your clothing in a dry and dark place. The talcum powder will preserve your rubber/latex and will keep it moist free. Mister B TALC is also a great aid for putting on your rubber or latex, it makes your skin smooth without making it greasy. Mister B TALC doesn’t contain any perfumes or oils.


Code 130628
Brand Mister B
Original name Mister B TALC 150 g
Tags Fetish – rubber/latex, Rubber/latex care
Weight (g) 180
EAN 8718788020166
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